Meister, A., Bashan, N., Basu, R., Shen, X., Wang, Q., & Sevtsuk, A. (2024). The BostonWalks Study: A Longitudinal Travel Survey using Smartphone Tracking. Transportation.
Sevtsuk, A., Kollar, J. (2025). Rez de Ville: The urban ground floor as a sensory, contextual, and normative project for city design. Editorial for a Special Issue in the Journal Built Environment. Built Environment. Upcoming.
Sevtsuk, A., & Kalvo, R. (2024). Modeling pedestrian activity in cities with urban network analysis. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
Basu, R., Colaninno, N., Alhassan, A., & Sevtsuk, A. (2023). Hot and Bothered: Exploring the Effect of Heat on Pedestrian Behavior and Accessibility. Cities.
Colaninno, N., Basu, R., Hosseini, M., Alhassan, A., Liu, L., & evtsuk, A. (2023). A sidewalk-level urban heat risk assessment framework using pedestrian mobility and urban microclimate modeling. Environment and Planning B.
Liu, L., & Sevtsuk, A. (2024). Clarity or confusion: A review of computer vision street attributes in urban studies and planning. Cities, 150, 105022.
Sevtsuk, A., Kollar, J., Pratama, D., Haddad, J., Basu, R., Alhassan, A., Chancey, B., Makhlouf, R., Halabi, J., & Abou-Zeid, M. (2024). Pedestrian-Oriented Development in Beirut: A Framework for Estimating Urban Design Impacts on Pedestrian Flows through Modeling, Participatory Design, and Scenario Analysis. Cities.
Hosseini, M., Sevtsuk, A., Miranda, F., Cesar Jr., R, M., Silva, C. (2023). Mapping the Walk: A Scalable Computer Vision Approach for Generating Sidewalk Network Datasets from Aerial Imagery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Volume 101, April 2023.
Sevtsuk, A., Basu, R., Halpern, D., Hudson, A., Ng, K., & de Jong, J. (2022). A tale of two Americas: Socio-economic mobility gaps within and across American cities before and during the pandemic. Cities, 104006.
Basu, R., & Sevtsuk, A. (2022). How do street attributes affect willingness-to-walk? City-wide pedestrian route choice analysis using big data from Boston and San Francisco. Transportation Research A, 163, 1–19.
Sevtsuk, A., & Basu, R. (2021). The role of turns in pedestrian route choice: a clarification. Journal of Transport Geography.
Andres Sevtsuk (2021) Estimating Pedestrian Flows on Street Networks, Journal of the American Planning Association, 87:4, 512-526,
Sevtsuk, A., & Kalvo, R. (2021). Predicting pedestrian flow along city streets: a comparison of route choice estimation approaches in downtown San Francisco. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, (online 2/8/2021).
Sevtsuk, A. (2020) Street Commerce. Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks. University of Pennsylvania Press, 296 p. Link.
Sevtuk, A., & Amindarbari, R. (2020). Does metropolitan form affect transportation sustainability? Evidence from US metropolitan areas. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2399808320971310. Pre-print link.
Hidalgo, C. A., Castañer, E., & Sevtsuk, A. (2020). The amenity mix of urban neighborhoods. Habitat International, 102205. Pre-print link.
Sevtsuk, A. and Davis, D. E., 2017. Future of Streets. In Mathematics of Urban Morphology, Springer 2019.
Sevtsuk, A. 2019. Impacts of automated vehicles on cities. InAutomatic for the City: Designing for People in the Age of the Driverless Car, Eds. Pavia A. and Bobisse, R. RIBA Books.
Sevtsuk, A. 2016. Bugis: A Model for Singapore 100. FCL Magazine, Special Issue (Urban Breeding Grounds), 62.
Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R. (2017). Patronage of urban commercial clusters: a network-based extension of the Huff model for balancing location and size. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Issue 0(0). pp. 1-21. PDF, LinkSevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R., & Ekmekci, O. (2016). Pedestrian accessibility in grid layouts: the role of block, plot and street dimensions. Urban Morphology, 20(2), pp. 89-106. Link, PDF
Sevtsuk, A. (2017). Public Space in a Polycentric Metropolis. In Jakarta: Models of Collective Space for the Extended Metropolis. Eds.Correa, F. and Strange, C. Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2017.
Sevtsuk, A. (2014). Location and Agglomeration: the Distribution of Retail and Food Businesses in Dense Urban Environments. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 34(4), 374–393. Link
Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R., 2014. "A Freeform Surface Fabrication Method with 2D Cutting". Proceedings of the Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) 2014 conference, Tampa, FL. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., & Kalvo, R. (2014). Geometrical Solution Space for Grid Structures with Double-Walled Edges. In P. Block, J. Knippers, N. J. Mitra, & W. Wang (Eds.), Advances in Architectural Geometry (pp. 215–231). Springer. PDF
Sitler, B., King, M., Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R., (2016) SUTD Library Extension. Kenchiku Gijutsu. January 2016. PDF
Mohsenin, M and Sevtsuk, A, 2013, “The impact of street properties on cognitive maps” Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, Volume 37(Issue 4) 301–309. Link
Sevtsuk, A., 2013 “Networks of the built environment”, in D. Ofenhuber & C. Ratti, eds. [De]coding the Tity – How Big Data Can Change Urbanism. Birkhäuser. Link PDF
Sevtsuk, A. (2014). Analysis and Planning of Urban Networks. In R. Alhajj & J. Rokne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (p. 2437). Springer. PDF
Dritsas, S, Kalvo, R, and Sevtsuk, A, 2013, “Packing Optimisation for Digital Fabrication”, in ECAADE Proceedings 2013, TU Delft (Delft, Netherlands). PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Mekonnen, M., 2012, “Urban Network Analysis Toolbox,” International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. pp. 287–305. PDF
Sevtsuk A., 2010, "Path and Place: A Study of Urban Geometry and Retail Activity in Cambridge and Somerville, MA", PhD dissertation in Urban Design and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., (Ed.), 2011, The MIT Journal of Planning Projections 10: Designing for Growth & Change, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Website
Sevtsuk, A., Ratti, C., 2010, "Does Urban Mobility Have a Daily Routine? Learning from the Aggregate Data of Mobile Networks", Journal of Urban Technology, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-60. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., 2008, "Explorations into Urban Mobility Patterns Using Aggregate Mobile Network Data", MIT Portugal Program Working Paper # TSI-SOTUR-08-03, unpublished. PDF
Sevtsuk A., Huang S., Calabrese F., Ratti C., 2009, "Mapping the MIT Campus in Real Time Using WiFi", Foch, M. (Ed), Handbook of Research in Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real Time City. IGI Global. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Ratti, C., 2008, "Inferring building and land use types from wireless network
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Mitchell W. J., Chin R., Sevtsuk A., (2008), "The Media Laboratory City Car: A New Approach to Sustainable Urban Mobility" in Peter Droege (Ed.), “Urban Energy Transition”, Elsevier Science. PDF
Mitchell W. J., Sevtsuk A., "Unfrozen Music: Designing & Programming Digital Water Walls." In Digital Water Pavilion at Zaragoza's Milla Digital and Expo 2008. PDF
Sevtsuk A., 2006, "Real-time Space Management ", in "Joint Space, Open Source on Mobile Positioning and Urban Studies", Positium OU. PDF
Ratti, C., Sevtsuk, A., Huang, S., Pailer, R., 2005, Mobile Landscapes: Graz in Real Time. Paper presented at the 2005 LBS conference in Vienna, Austria. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Ratti, C., 2007, Mobile Surveys, in Van Schaick, J. & Van der Spek. S.C. (eds.) 2007b, Pre-proceedings: International Expert Meeting Urbanism on Track: Expert Meeting on the Application in Urban Design and Planning of GPS-based and other tracking-based technologies, Delft School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, DUT. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Kollar, J., Pratama, D., Haddad, J., Basu, R., Alhassan, A., Chancey, B., Abou- Zeid, M. (2023). Improving Walkability in Beirut: An Approach Using Pedestrian Modeling, Participatory Design, and Scenario Analysis. (Cities).
Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R.(2023) Modeling Pedestrian Activity in Cities with the Urban Network Analysis toolbox for Rhinoceros 3D. (Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science).
Colaninno, N., Basu, R., Alhassan, A., Sevtsuk, A. (2023) Unpleasant Encounters: A Framework for assessing environmental risk exposure for pedestrians (Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science).
Basu, R., Colaninno, N., Sevtsuk, A. (2023) Hot and Bothered: Exploring the Effect of Heat on Pedestrian Behavior and Accessibility. (Cities).
Sevtsuk, A., Basu, R., Wang, B. (2023) Mobility Inequality: The Impact of Race and Class on Inter- neighborhood Travel in 500 U.S. Cities. (Nature: Cities)
Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R., Ekmekci, O., 2014, "The Perfect Grid". Presented at the UN Habitat Future of Places Conference in Buenos Aires. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., 2014, "Mapping the Elastic Public Realm". Presentation at the ACSA International Conference in Seoul, Korea. June 2014. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Kalvo, R.
"Geometric Solution Space for Double-walled Grid Structures".
Submitted to the Advances in Architectural Geometry Conference. London, UK.
September 2014. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Mekonnen, M., Kalvo, R., Amindarbari, R., 2014, "Redundant Route for Urban Network Analysis", Presented at the ESRI GeoDesign Summit in Redlands, CA in January 2014. Video
Amindarbari, R., Sevtsuk, A., 2013, "Measuring Growth and Change in Metropolitan Form" presented at the Urban Affairs Association annual conference in San Francisco. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., Ekmekci, O, Nixon, F., Amindarbari, R., 2013, "Capturing Urban Intensity" presented at the Urban Affairs Association annual conference in San Francisco. PDF
"A smart city isn't necessarily a good city", by Andres Sevtsuk. Cover Story, China Daily (Europe, Africa and Hong Kong), December 21, 2018. Link.
"The opening of Tartu to river Emajõgi by way of four urban design competitions", by Andres Sevtsuk. MAJA, the Estonian Architecture Magazine. Nr 2, March, 2019.
"Tallinn's Old Harbor urban design competition", by Andres Sevtsuk. MAJA, the Estonian Architecture Magazine. Nr 3, July 2017. Link
"Urbanization, which isolates", by Andres Sevtsuk. Project Baltija Magazine, September 2017. Link
"Tallinn's Old Harbor doesn't need a shock-effect, but balanced urban design", by Andres Sevtsuk. Eesti Ekspress, Areen. 24 May, 2017 Link
"More decisive steps needed to support street commerce", interview with Andres Sevtsuk by Maarit Eerme. January 20, 2017. Äripäev. Link
Sevtsuk, A. "Why cars and pedestrians struggle to get along?"Postimees, ARTER Laupäev, 8. oktoober 2016. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., 2016, "Reidi Road's big opportunity". Postimees, Arvamus. August 18, 2016. PDF
Sevtsuk, A., 2012, "How we shape our cities, and then they shape us", MAJA the Estonian Architectural Review, 2-2012 (72), pp. 10-15, 2012. PDF / Website
Interview with James Corner," by Andres Sevtsuk. MAJA, the Estonian Architecture Magazine. Nr 3, March, 2006. October 8, 2006. Link
"Andres Sevtsuk and City Form Lab release new guide and software for urban modeling". GSD News. October 19, 2018. Link
"Andres Sevtsuk asks: are smaller city blocks always better?" The Harvard Gazette. January 9, 2017. Link
Sevtsuk, A., kalvo, R. "Urban Network Analysis toolbox for Rhinoceros 3D." American Planning Association Technology Today Newsletter. Spring 2016. PDF
Peegel, M., 2016, "Harvardi ülikooli õppejõud: senine Reidi tee projekt teeks Tallinna halvemaks." Eesti Päevaleht, Kultuur. August 2, 2016. Link
Henry Grabar, July 10, 2015. "New Mapping Tool Helps Planners Judge Pedestrians, Public Space". Science of Cities. Next City. Link
Rebecca Tuhus-Durbow, 2014. “How Cities Can Crunch the Numbers and Give Business Owners What They Need.” November 11, 2014, in Science of Cities, Next City. Link
Peegel, M., 2016, "Harvardi ülikooli õppejõud: senine Reidi tee projekt teeks Tallinna halvemaks." Eesti Päevaleht, Kultuur. August 2, 2016. Link
Melody Zaccheus, 2014. "50 ways for cyclists to start ride along 24km Rail Corridor". Straits Times, September 13, 2014. Link
Timothy Misir, 2015. Pressed for Space, Singapore Looks Unerground for Room to Grow. May 29, 2015, Citylab. Link
Amanda Lee Koe, 2013, “Design for Hapiness,” Interview with Andres Sevtsuk. Published July 16, 2013. PDF
Catherine A. Cardno, Experimental Pavilion Joins Singapore Campus, Civil Engineering, the Magazine of the American Society of Civil Engineers. July 2013. Link
SUTD Library Pavilion by City Form Lab, June 2013. Link
A New Toolbox for Urban Analysis" by Carolyn Y. Johnson The Boston Globe, Business Section, October 3, 2011
Sevtsuk, A., 2012, "Urban
Network Analysis Simplified", Geospatial Today, November
2012. PDF
Rethiking Urban Data, Interview with Andres Sevtsuk at the Archifest Forum 2012. Singapore Architect Magazine, SA272, December 2012. Link
Michael J. Coren, MIT’s Free Urban Planning Software Will Help Build The Cities Of The Future, Fast Company, October 2011. Link
MIT researchers create new Urban
Network Analysis toolbox, MIT Press Office, September 2011. Link