Metropolitan Form Analysis toolbox for ArcGIS

The City Form Lab has developed improved metrics to describe the spatial structure of metropolitan areas. The paper proposed seven fundamental metrics that describe the spatial footprint and land-use pattern of a city:

  • Coverage
  • Polycentricity
  • Compactness
  • Discontiguity
  • Expandability
  • Land- Use Mix
A detailed discussion of how the metrics are specified and what they describe can be found in the Help documentation. 

Reza Amindarbari, who worked on the project and is now a PhD Candidate at the North Carolina State University has since developed an GIS toolbox that automates the specification of each of the metrics. We are releasing the toolbox in a free and open source format for all interested users under the License of Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

Download the tools on the right, along with sample datasets. The videos below explain each of the functions step by step.